Application for Membership Process

Fill Out Membership Application and Pay Membership Subscription

  • Cash / Internet Banking     

    Westpac Account  03 0905 0914413 00


Payment of the Membership Subscription Fee will allow the committee to view your Application.

4WD Vehicle Compliance Check and Driver Education

You are required to hold a current Drivers License, a minimum of 3rd Party Vehicle Insurance cover, and have a current Registration and Warrant of Fitness on your vehicle to participate on Club Trips.

Please contact the Mechanical & Safety Officer who will arrange a check of your Vehicle and Equipment – see Check List attached for your info.

It is a requirement to attend a Driving Techniques Session and completed to a Required Standard.

At the Driving Techniques Session you will be shown safe 4WD Driving Techniques and you will be advised of Club Practices when on a Club Trip.

At the completion of the 4WD Vehicle Compliance Check and Driver Techniques Session you will be issued with a sticker to be placed on your windscreen. This carries your Registration Number and indicates you are eligible to take your vehicle on Club Trips. 

Advertising of Application in the Club Newsletter

After receiving the Application and Subscription, the Membership Officer will advertise your Application to members in the Club Newsletter.

Consideration of Committee

At the next Committee Meeting after members have been advised of your Application the Committee will review your application.


4WD Vehicle Compliance Check  


Current Registration

First Aid Kit

Current Warrant of Fitness

Fire Extinguisher/s  - 2 KG min.

Minimum 3rd  Party Insurance

Tow Hooks  -  Securely Mounted with High Tensile Bolts

Rear Towing Point

Front Towing Point

Rated Shackles

Strong Rope / Strop

Spark Arrester

Tool kit

Shovel  / Spade

UHF Radio


Chains – Highly Recommended

Aggressive Tyres

Air Intake re-arrangement

Diff / Transfer / Gear Breathers

High Lift Jack

Jack Base Plate

Extra Oils / Fuel

Extra Vehicle Parts

Remove Excess Body Fittings

Winch & Safety Accessories

Ground Anchor

Other Digging Implements

Securing of all within Vehicle

Air Compressor


Please download the Application Form here if needed..