Who We Are

We have a membership of over 90 members, and are the second oldest Four Wheel Drive Club in New Zealand having been established way back in 1966.

We hold regular monthly meetings at the “Hurricane Rodders” clubrooms ( 51 Victoria Road Dunedin ) on the first Wednesday of every month.  These are a great occasion to meet with other members, find out what trips and events are coming up, and get advice and information from our many experienced and knowledgeable off roaders. 

We have a monthly magazine that is emailed to the membership advising them of upcoming events, reports from previous trips and general interest stories.

We own 80 acres of land with an amenities block containing accommodation, showers and toilets at Waitati.  This is used as a training site, trials and winch challenge venue and is available for club members to practice their off road driving and recovery skills.

We hold a Public Open Day at the Club land site on the Second Sunday of every month.  The gates are open from 10:00 thru to 15:00 where 4WD enthusiasts can bring out their trucks and for a $10 entry fee can drive the hazards of their choice during the day. 

We provide manpower and expertise for

  • LandSar

  • Civil Defence

  • Meals on Wheels

  • Transport to and from Hospitals, Rest Homes and Care Facilities for staff during adverse winter weather conditions

We have an N.Z.Q.A. accredited off road trainer that teaches the safest methods for operating vehicles in off-road situations.  He also provides training for members of the public and various other organisations.

We try to undertake at least one monthly trip for members but these can be weather dependant.  In the summer months trips may be more frequent.

We hold two or more major off road trials annually in conjunction with other Four Wheel Drive clubs, as well as Club days and Winch Challenges.

We look forward to you coming along and joining our Club.